Hello! I’m Natalie, a wife, mother of 4 and a creative! Creating things is my passion, so when I discovered scripture journaling, I was all in! I spent hours painting in my scriptures, adding art, quotes, notes and so much more. I loved it. I loved that I could be so creative in my scripture study. But being a mom of 4 young kids, I found I really didn’t have the hours each day it took to be so creative with my scripture study. I gave up for a time and then an idea hit me! Why can’t I do this digitally?? I looked everywhere for something that would allow for my creativity, but I found nothing! So, being the creator I am, I got to work! I worked for a whole year on these digital journaling scriptures and I am so excited to share them with you! Of course, this idea also begat other ideas and I’m creating them to share with the world! I hope you love these products as much as I do!